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There are many ways to help this. But just to clear things a bit, I am not saying that you shouldn't have birds as pets. In fact, I highly suggest adopting rescue birds. What I am saying though is that birds should not be kept in those tiny wire mesh tweety bird cages. If you own a bird, please buy them a cage where they can fly around and have lots of toys. Also, consider buying a friend for your bird to make them happier, or just give them lots of attention in general.
Another way to help this is if you see any abused or sick birds in one of those hanging cages or even on the streets, please call either the SPCA or ACRES as soon as possible.
And last but not least, you can sign our petition to help ban small bird cages in Singapore:
By signing the petition you are helping to raise awarness and show others how important and crucial this problem really is.
How you can Help

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